Effective Communicator

Statement of Proficiency:

The Griswold graduate demonstrates an ability to communicate effectively and confidently through writing, speaking, listening, presenting, collaborating and other forms of creative expression.

Domains & Indicators


  • I can clearly convey my thoughts
  • I can utilize language effectively
  • I can purposefully utilize language


  • I can speak with fluency and control
  • I can use language effectively
  • I have given thought to what I will say


  • I can restate what I have heard
  • I can ask relevant and probing questions
  • I can contribute insightful and relevant comments


  • I can prepare a coherent and engaging presentation
  • I can demonstrate an awareness of audience
  • I can display competence and confidence


  • I can contribute to a group's success
  • I can assume leadership
  • I can responsibly meet my share of the work

Creative Expression

  • I can intentionally display my vision
  • I can demonstrate and develop learned skills
  • I can articulate my intent through non-traditional modalities